Table/Booth Management

Manage a Table or Booth (Attendant)

Earn 15 Points

View Sponsored Table/Booth Events

Table/Booth Management

Educate your community on the benefits of beef in a healthy lifestyle through the distribution of informational handouts and giveaways.

How do I participate as attendant in a NON-sponsored table/booth activity?

  1. Attendants are chosen by fellow Beef Team members who have taken on the table/booth lead position. 
  2. Watch and complete this webinar and quiz. It is only required once. 
  3. Attend the table/booth for the duration of the opportunity (at least 3 hours).
    • You must man the booth for the entirety of the event. Racing or volunteering DURING your designated table/booth window is not permitted.
  4. AFTER each event, Submit a Report (Community Event > Non-Sponsored Table/Booth).

How do I participate as attendant in a SPONSORED table/booth activity?

  1. Watch and complete this webinar and quiz. It is only required once. 
  2. Utilize the filter box on Events to locate all of the Sponsored Table/Booth Management opportunities offered to the team (these are rare).
  3. Submit a Participation Form for your event of choice. The first person to volunteer will be deemed as the TABLE LEAD. The subsequent registrant(s) will be deemed as a TABLE ATTENDANT. If you are deemed as LEAD, please redirect to this page and follow the procedures for LEAD.
    *Note: If a Table Lead has not volunteered within 15 days prior to the event, the table/booth opportunity will be removed from the Team Calendar. 
  4. Attend the table/booth for the duration of the opportunity (at least 3 hours).
    • You must man the booth for the entirety of the event. Racing or volunteering DURING your designated table/booth window is not permitted.
  5. AFTER each event, Submit a Report (Community Event > Sponsored Table/Booth).

What is required of me at a booth?

  • Please keep in mind that neither Table Leads, nor Table Attendants are required to be beef experts to manage a Beef Team table or booth. All questions that team members cannot answer with 100% confidence should be redirected to the Texas Beef Council.
  • Beef Team tables/booths must be manned at all times by all Beef Team members who are signed up to man the booth.
  • The duration of a Beef Team table/booth management activity (a.k.a., “shift”) must be at least three (3) hours in length. Shifts beyond 3 hours in length do not constitute additional Prime Cuts points.
  • Multiple members may receive credit for working the same event, however, each 3-hour shift is limited to two (2) representatives maximum. We have found most table/booths work best with 2 representatives max. For example, 2 members (1 Table Lead and 1 attendants) can manage a 3-hour shift at once.

What is the difference between a table lead and an attendant?

  • Leads communicate with event coordinators to understand all pre and post-event details that will aid in a successful Beef Team table or booth (non-sponsored events only).
  • Leads submit orders through the Resources page for table/booth display items.
  • Leads communicate meeting spots or any other relevant event information with the Table Attendants (e.g., parking passes or VIP entry instructions).
  • Leads set up and take down the table materials at the event.
  • Leads return leftover table material that will not be utilized at any future events to the Texas Beef Council. Email for further details.

Email with any questions you may have about managing a Beef Team Table or Booth.

Submit a Report

Please allow 2-4 weeks for the processing and approval of your activity.

Submit a Report