Team Member Spotlight

October 2020

Jenny Huynh

Look up “Super Mom,” in the dictionary and you’ll find that Jenny Huynh of Houston is the very definition. Not only is she the mother of three young adults, Courtney (20), Alexander (19), and Nicholas (14), Jenny is also owner/operator of a medical management company and ambulatory surgery center. The entire family, with the exception of their pet Russian tortoise, is a member of the Texas Beef Team, including her husband of 24 years, Triet.

“We try to do all our volunteering, events and races together as much as we can,” explains Jenny. As a family exercise, health, and fitness is very important to us. This year we signed up to run together as a family in the Houston Chevron Half Marathon.” 

Before joining the Texas Beef Team four years ago, Jenny and her husband wanted to get their kids more active, and thought running would be a great way they could do it together – she hadn’t run much since her middle school track days. Nearby niece and nephews began to join Jenny’s family runs (they called themselves the “Puffy Pandas”) and, with her persistence, she soon recruited other family members and friends to run including brothers, Danny Huynh and Tony Huynh, sister, Cindy Theriot, and cousin, Julie Nguyen. Now they are ALL on the Beef Team and joke that they should rename their training group, the “Panda-Beefs.”

“I completed my first race along with my husband (Angie’s Half Marathon), when his brothers bet us that they could beat us in a race. Even though I never would have expected it, that first race led to almost 10 more years of races,” explains Jenny. “To date, I have run 1 Ultra Marathon (100 miles!), 7 full marathons, 15 half marathons, 3 relays, 1 obstacle run, and too many shorter distances to remember.”

Jenny mentions running helps her to de-stress from a hectic day and recharge for the next. Somehow, she still finds time to pursue other varied interests. “I love photography. I’m always taking pictures of scenery, my kiddos, and just anything in general that I think is breathtaking . . . and I’m also known as the “selfie queen” because I run up to the front to snap photos with teammates during races,” says Jenny. Travel is also important to Jenny and she points out how much more you can learn about culture, history and people by visiting a place rather than just reading about it all in a book. And, she’s also crafty, with “mask-making” being her latest project.

“During COVID, I heard there was a shortage of masks and volunteered to help. I converted my whole breakfast table into a mask production “workshop”. My husband did the fabric cutting, my sons did the wire bending and string cutting, and my daughter and I did the sewing. We made over 100 masks to give to frontline healthcare workers.”

Read on to learn more about this amazing lady we are proud to call a member of the Texas Beef Team:

Three Things You Might Not Know:  1) I used to do modeling and was in a couple of commercials and print ads when younger; 2) I’ve been a “golf mom” for over 8 years, watching my kids play in tournaments throughout the school year, and in hot, 100+ degree Houston summers. I still don’t understand a lot of the rules or know the differences between eagle, birdie, and all the bogeys. I just smile and give them thumbs ups and water bottles; 3) My weakness since childhood is gummy candies. Gummy bears, gummy worms, sour gummies, gummy rings, cherry gummies . . . anything gummy, and I will want it!

Two Beef Cuts:  I like Ribeye and Sirloin.

What I’ve Learned About Beef:  I have to thank the Grill Master Grill Jerry. I never understood grilling or how to grill beef correctly until Jerry taught me. Love you, Jerry!!

Beef Team Memories:  In 2017, on New Year’s Day, at the Kingwood Marathon, I happened to strike up a conversation with a random Beef Team member while out on the race course. He was such a nice person and ever since then, that member, Don Womble, and I have become great friends. To this day, we still talk to each other and check in with each other. Whenever I had not been on social media for a while, he reached out to see if everything was okay and that touched my heart. He is one of the sweetest people that I’ve met through the team. Also, the Prime Cut Retreat was also a great memory and though it’s hard to choose anything specific (because the whole event was so fun), one of the highlights were all the great skits from the talent show.

Favorite Beef Sponsored Race:  The Chevron Houston Marathon is a favorite because our team has so many enthusiastic volunteers and participants. I love all the energy that you can feel radiating off of the spectators, with the awesome cheering from the Beef Team station being my absolute favorite. It’s like Beef town! Passing through that cheering station and getting to see all my friends and teammates helps get me recharged and gives me that extra boost of energy to keep going.

Another Favorite Race:  The Snowdrop Ultra 55-hour Race and Relay is a race I enjoyed participating in because it’s dedicated to such an amazing cause. Proceeds go towards funding research to eliminate childhood cancer. It also gives college scholarships for kids who currently have cancer or have fought the battle and won. It’s a wonderful race for such a good cause, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to do an Ultra Marathon. Editor’s Note: This past year, Jenny also finished 100 miles in the 55 hours over the course of three days! She also ran almost an entire day in flip-flops.

Running During the Pandemic:  I try to get on my treadmill as much as I can, but I have definitely missed being able to go out and experience races with my fellow teammates. Both my college kids had all their courses moved online and are staying home with me for the semester. Even though a lot more groceries need to be bought now, I’m loving having them both back.

Post Run or Race Reward:  Laying on my bed and taking a much-needed nap to compensate for the hours I lost waking up so early to get to the race.

Other Sports:  I golf with my family (all of my children have been on high school golf teams), I bike when I can remember how to unclip, and I am an armchair quarterback for the Houston Texans.

Favorite Inspirational Quote:  “Success depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character” -Arnold Palmer. This quote reminds me how powerful our minds can be in helping us to overcome obstacles and reach our goals. 

Dream Celebrity Running Partner:  Patrick Dempsey, because if I faint Dr. McDreamy can save me!

Running Advice:  Run to have fun, it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going, you should be enjoying the experience because in the end you will get to that finish line.

Favorite Running Gear:  Nike ZoomX Vaporfly

More Beef Team Love:  Beef has had an enormous impact on my family, and we’re so thankful for all of the support we’ve received, and the experiences we’ve had because of it. In addition to all the people I’ve already mentioned, shout out to Hung Nguyen for introducing us to the team, to Chan Nguyen, Cleve and Richelle Meacham, Hiep Nguyen, Deana Nguyen, Debbie Gardner, Adam Eiler, Jerry Do, Bryan Kelley, Carl Rinker, Lynn Furman, Mark Coleman, Lyzanne Mason, Machac Machac, Peggy Smith, Rita Mackenzie, Donna Fugitt, and all the other Beef members for making being on the team such a great experience.


Become a Beef Team Member

Sign up for race events, learn about beef through the prime-cuts rewards program, and track your status throughout the year.

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