Team Member Spotlight

September 2024

Emma Yvette Garcia Dromgoole

San Antonio native, 8-year Beef Team member, and self-described “band nerd,” Emma Dromgoole, possesses a unique blend of creativity, determination, and commitment to work-life balance. As a lifelong educator, talented musician and, now, running enthusiast Emma has spent her years leading in the classroom and inspiring others within the local running community.

Emma’s passion for music has been a cornerstone of her life, beginning in childhood, through school marching band, later in a Tejano all-girl band, and, today, as a saxophone player with the San Antonio Symphonic Band, where she also serves as president of the board.  As a seasoned educator, Emma has held numerous roles in schools, including counselor, assistant principal, and district fine arts coordinator and has taught marching band for more than 20 years. She currently holds the position of Academic Program Director for Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts at Palo Alto College in San Antonio

With her focus on the arts, it makes sense that Emma’s first foray into running, a sport she once claimed to “hate,” had something to do with music. 

“I joined the cross-country team in high school,” explains Emma. “I wanted to lose weight and improve my fitness for marching band. I never liked running, but wanted to try out for drum major, and the uniform included short shorts!” 

Although she did a lot of marching as drum major in high school and in other various marching bands, Emma didn’t take up walking and running again until after completing her PhD in 2012 and quickly became passionate about it. To date, she has finished 105 half marathons, 14 full marathons (including the New York City Marathon), and countless other distances – even a 100k!

“While in college, I felt so sedentary, all I did was study and write,” Emma shares. “I signed up for a half marathon not long after graduating and with little training. I was convinced that my years of marching band would equate to being able to cover 13.1 miles. I was a disaster, wearing cotton socks, Keds-like shoes (instead of my now-preferred Hokas), and had blisters upon blisters. My mom, the real runner of the family, walked alongside me that first race, so worried I had bitten off more than I could chew – but, I finished!”

Emma shares that her mother has been a great source of inspiration, noting that, at 73 years old, she’s a gifted athlete who still runs three miles a day on her treadmill and recently “smoked” her at another half marathon they were participating in together. Unfortunately, her father passed away from heart disease, at age 51, and serves as a continual reminder for Emma to keep moving and maintain a balanced lifestyle. 

When it comes to keeping a balanced lifestyle, Emma knows that moving every day is important, even if it’s just a walk after a busy day at work. And, getting enough protein, especially beef, is a priority. Her favorite beef cuts are Brisket and Ground Beef – even better if that Ground Beef is a burger! 

“I am definitely a burger lover, so much so that my husband Ted (aka “Papi”), who is also on the Beef Team, will teasingly call me “Wimpy” from Popeye,” laughs Emma. Emma has enjoyed going to the Grilling and Smoking 101s, and says she’s the beneficiary of her husband being very skilled in these areas. 

“Also, since being on the Beef Team, I have learned differences between meat grades and that the marbling throughout beef is not a bad thing.”

 “To sum it up, I am very humbled and thankful to be a part of this team and to represent the beef industry. I love that we have athletes from every skill level. For example, I do not fit the mold of what most would consider a marathoner, but here I am, moving forward one step at a time. Through the team, I have met some amazing people that have become lifelong friends and like family to me.”

Read more about Emma in her own words:

Family: My husband, Ted, is also on the Beef Team. I call him “Papi.” Papi does most races with me and he is definitely the grill master at home – he has a Blackstone, a Traeger, and a regular coal barbecue pit! I have two stepchildren, Bonnie and Jake. Jake and his wife, Delleney, are expecting our first grandchild in late September.

Fun Fact #1:  I played in an all-girl Tejano Band in the 1990s. Luis Silva, a well-known Tejano music songwriter, wrote the songs for our CD. We appeared on the “Johnny Canales Show.”

Fun Fact #2: I have a little rubber duck named “Patito.” I’ve had him since I was a little kid and he’s my lucky charm. I even made a Facebook page for him.

Hobbies: I play the saxophone, read true crime novels, watch Netflix documentaries, attend marching band contests, and sometimes bike (but I am terrible).

Favorite Beef Team Race Memory: At an Austin Half Marathon, my Beef Team “bestie” Candy (LaChandra) Richardson and I started in different corrals and I lost her for a while. I was not feeling the race at all, but came upon the Beef Team cheer section and my spirits lifted instantly. Araceli yelled out and we hugged, Christian was snapping photos, I found Candy and we finished the race strong!

Other Beef Team Memories:  I love the Beef Team retreats. They are like a mini vacation for me at the end of the school year. Candy, Papi and I like to stop for BBQ along the way to the retreat site and enjoy the ride just catching up on everything. It is awesome to see friends and just hang out, break bread together, and cut up at the retreat.

Favorite Races: I love the EDragon “Run This Mother 5K/Half.” It is empowering to see all the women, on Mother’s Day, on the race course. This race treats us to great food, pretty medals, nice shirts and an awesome DJ.  I actually love all the EDragon races put on by Erik and Kristine Burciaga – great swag, medals and food after. 

Favorite Type of Race:  In the summer, 5Ks are my favorite. But for great medals, half marathons are my favorite in the cool weather.

Race Reward: I enjoy a burger or tacos after most races. After the “Jackalope Jam 100K,” I treated Candy and myself to a custom 100K LARGE belt buckle. I’m all about the bling.

Family Beef Memories:  When I was growing up, going to the molino to get fresh tortillas and barbacoa was a great Sunday morning memory. You could smell the tortillas on the comal and see the lengua, ojos, and barbacoa pits. Getting a “Mexican Coke” and an avocado for your tacos was an extra treat. My mom would load her tortillas with barbacoa. I’d load mine with barbacoa, guacamole, and pico de gallo.

Race Quote / Mantra: “Know if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that.” – Rocky Balboa  

I picked this quote because I love “Rocky” and this quote spoke to me. I have had to reinvent myself several times in my career. Each time, I would take a step back but then take two steps forward. What seemed like a “hit” was an opportunity in the long run. 

Dream Celebrity Running Partner: I would love to run with Sylvester Stallone. I love the “Rocky” movies (except Rocky V- where he loses everything). I blast the “Rocky Theme” in my headphones when I feel tired in the final miles. 

Best Running Advice:  During my first full marathon, my run coach had some buddies bring us Cokes at mile 20. This totally gave me a burst of energy. Now at mile 10 (on a half) or mile 20 (on a full), Candy and I have a Diet Coke and M&Ms with peanuts for a “pick me up.”


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