Team Member Spotlight

March 2020

Beth Ann Matlock

Texas Beef Team member, Beth Ann Matlock of Austin, claims she could “probably be a very good couch potato,” but that’s hard to imagine considering her impressive tally of trail runs, triathlons and mountain biking events around the state. And, even when she’s not participating, Beth Ann is constantly spotted on the local scene working in a volunteer capacity. 

Beth Ann began running “30-ish years ago” because she “had to” as part of training for her military service. “When I was stationed in Lawton, Oklahoma, I disliked running and swore I’d never come back to the south. But, when later stationed in Germany, the countryside just called me to be outside. Ever since then, I almost “need” to run several times a week,” she explains. This runner doesn’t jot down her races or keep bibs, but knows there have been five half-marathons, 12 triathlons, and countless other race distances with 10ks being her favorite.

Even though Beth Ann believes in doing something active every day, even if it’s just yard work, her personal mantra regarding exercise in general is, “Why do it if it’s not fun?” She elaborates, “I adopted this mantra right around the time I realized I sucked at the swimming portion of triathlons.” So, instead she now focuses on her preferences – trail running and mountain biking.  “These days, I only swim if a friend makes me, lol!”

Beth Ann is a group exercise instructor and personal trainer, wife and mom, however, her husband, three children and dog (named Ginger Snap Cookie) don’t run with her. She has a few training groups she’ll jump into, but Beth Ann says she prefers to run by herself. “It’s my time to stop thinking and meditate.”

Read on to learn more about this inspirational, outdoor-loving member of Texas Beef Team:

Three Little Known Facts: 1) In 1978, I was in the US Army and my platoon was one of the first female platoons to take basic training at Fort  Jackson, SC; 2) In high school, I was ranked #4 on Long Island in Table Tennis; 3) In 1984, I ran with the Olympic Torch flame for one mile while working at Lockheed Engineering at NASA in Clear Lake.

Other Hobbies: We have chickens and they are a hoot to watch.  I also play golf with my hubby, love to camp, hike, trail run, and mountain bike – basically anything outdoors! I also volunteer with many events at the YMCA where I work.

Favorite Beef Team Memories: My very first race as a member was the CAP10K and when I came around the corner there was Texas Beef Team cheering and jumping up and down.  The person I remember most was Hollie Kenney!  She had the biggest smile, jumping up and down and so excited to see all the Beef Team runners.  Also, I have fun memories from the first Prime Cuts Retreat including the Saran wrapping of cars and hotel room doors– lol!

Favorite Races: My favorite sponsored race is the CAP10k because it’s an iconic race with lots of history. Other races I enjoy include those in the Tejas Trails series.  These trail runs are out in the country, not huge and everyone is having a good time.

Inspired By:  I get really inspired by athletes that are challenged.  They show me that if our heart and mind are in the right place, that we can accomplish anything.

Post-Race Reward: Usually my reward is a beer, a shower and a nap!

Favorite Type of Run:  I prefer trail runs over road running.  I usually run 10Ks because they are just enough distance for me.  When I trail run, I don’t feel like I’m looking at my watch saying, “OMG, it’s only mile 2 and I have 4 more miles to go.”  It’s so much more enjoyable to me than road running.

Pre-Run Fuel: My pre-run food might be a bit of sweet potato with some butter or a banana with some peanut butter and an electrolyte drink with some UCAN in it.

Best Running Advice Received:  Many years ago, I ran with an older gentleman at Lifetime Fitness South in their running club.  His advice was to keep putting one foot in front of the other and it didn’t matter how we got to the finish line, but to finish.

Favorite Running Shoe: Altra Torin

Favorite Beef Cuts: Rib eyes and tenderloins!

Favorite Beef Recipe:  I make a paleo stew using lean cuts of stew meat.

What I’ve Learned: Previously, I was kind of brainwashed thinking beef shouldn’t be eaten on a regular basis.  But now that I’ve learned the opposite and noticed that I feel better, and stay full longer, when I eat beef.

Beef Team Love:  I have met the most amazing and fun people on Beef Team.  Any event where the team is volunteering, I know will be well organized and we will have a good time.

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